Captain Alon Pereg has had a long and rich career in military and commercial aviation. Currently, he is a captain of Boeing 787-9.

His experience includes management, strategic planning and execution, operational design, international affairs, and business innovation. As the founder of the Banner Group Alon is leading many of the group’s projects and takes part in the rest.


  • Retired from 28 years of active service in the Israeli Air Force as a fighter pilot and staff officer (Lt Col). During his service, he held positions as a pilot in a squadron, flight instructor in the flight academy, and in the operational training unit, as well as a wide range of staff positions international affairs and strategic planning.
  • Co-founder and CEO of MATRIX JRAP, a consulting company focused on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, mainly for military use. The company was involved in operational concepts and design of new UAV systems that were produced in the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and in several strategic plans for the IAI and other major industries in Israel.
  • In 2001 he founded Banner Holdings and Management Services in Israel, and as part of the company’s assistance to the IAI, he launched and headed the first innovation team of the Israel Aerospace Industries/LAHAV division, and as head of strategic planning for the division. The innovation team that Alon headed was the first and only innovation team in the IAI and is still active.
  • Founded The Banner Group in 2005, based on a core of top-level experts in commercial aviation, mostly in the USA. The group was involved in IAI’s innovative TaxiBot system, as designers of operational concepts and consultants to the project’s team. The group also carries out tasks in strategic planning, assists in the development of airborne systems, and advises on operational issues in commercial aviation.
  • Captain Pereg is the founder and managing director of SimpliFly – the concept that assists people in conquering their fear of flying. The program includes a mobile application and a full course.
  • Since 2004 Alon has flown as a pilot with EL AL Israel airlines, including as a check airman on Boeing 737NG airplanes and as a captain of Boeing 747-400 and 747-400F. Starting at 2019 he is a captain of Boeing 787-9.


  • In his free time, Alon likes to fly in general aviation, mainly in the USA and light sport aircraft safaris in Africa.
  • He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Computer Sciences (Ben Gurion University, 1989).
  • Alon is married to Iffat and the father of five daughters.


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