UAS’s are a growing part of the aviation world and now, more than ever, regulation is needed in order to integrate the manned and unmanned aircraft, safely and efficiently.

Banner Aviation Services has the right blend of expertise to ensure the optimal use of any airspace in a way that while we fully comply with all the regulations and the requirements, we will ensure that the service and the economical aspects will not be harmed.
We provide consultation services for every aspect of UAS Airspace Integration; From identifying the safety hazards related to UAS operations in the airspace, to the design of UAS Aerial Infrastructure and UAS Airfields, Air Traffic Services procedures, UAS Personal Licensing and UAS Airworthiness.

Our group of experts, made of Air Traffic Controllers, UAS pilots, and ATM specialists at the forefront of UAS integration, provide consultation services for every aspect of UAS Airspace Integration to airspace stakeholders such as Civil Aviation Authorities and UAS manufacturers.

From identifying the safety hazards that may associate with UAS to developing SMS concepts, Aerial Infrastructure, and Air Traffic Services procedures that allow the safe operation of Unmanned Aircraft within the airspace. Services include consultation UAS Airfield/Test site certification, UAS Personnel Licensing, and UAS Airworthiness.

UAS and drones are widely used

UAS and drones are widely used

Our services are based on a field-tested framework, procedures, and regulation, designed to provide safe and efficient integration of Unmanned Aircraft into your airspace.

We provide a full package of field-tested solutions, adapted to local regulation and airspace characteristics, from segregated airspace operation to separation-based operation in controlled airspace – our team of experts has the experience and know-how required to create the regulatory framework and operational procedures that will allow safe and efficient integration of UAS into your airspace.

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